deKay's Lofi Gaming

Amped 3 (360): COMPLETED!

Rather fittingly, the game kind of snowballed to a finish. The mountains got smaller and smaller, the number of things required to be done to progress the story became fewer and fewer, and then, Act V lasted all of about five minutes. But the ending was GENIUS. I won’t spoil it, but it was a Giant Musical Finale. And the very last “thing” you have to do is suitibly epic, complete with epic music and stuff. Aces.

Amped 3 (360)

Worked my way through most of (well, a lot of – I think I’m almost there) Act III on this today. I have about half of the mountains unlocked now. The story is nuts. The cutscenes were obviously created when on drugs. The challenges are bizarre. I love this game.

Amped 3 (360)

Gosh. Remember this? I played it a while ago. Well, I’ve got back into it. Pushed through on the story a bit, getting onto Act III on a new mountain. Have done some of the challenges and media callouts, and have “found” the yeti. I’ve now started doing some challenges for some woman on a poster. Yes, really. Complete with scary male fairy things. Hmm. Drugs are bad, m’kay?

Amped 3 (360)

Completed both rounds in “Ski Patrol”, the Russian game show. One involved rescuing a stranded skier, then taking him on a sled somewhere, and the other was about following a pro boarder, pulling tricks in certain places. After that, I spent some time on other challenges, bumping up my points so as to open up the next bit of story – which was to find the Tram Pass, which in turn opened up another area of the mountain.

Amped 3 (360)

Achievement Unlocked! 70 Gamerpoints Get! Ace! I “finished” the first mountain (although, I expect I’ll be back) by chasing some people on boards, then on a snowmobile. Now I’ve been kicked out of my “crew” because the crew leader bloke (J-Dog) is in cahoots with the bad guys. I found out, so I’m out. On “Snowbird” Mountain, I met some strange pig-head bloke, who wanted me to do stunts for his advertising agency. Cue plenty more totally bizarre cut scenes, …

Amped 3 (360)

Oh my. This game is messed up. I don’t know what the designers were on, but the result is one of the most bizarre things ever. It’s like a cross between SSX, The Magic Roundabout, Homestar Runner, Seanbaby and Dude, Where’s My Car? No, really. I mean, one of today’s tasks was to get a high score on a stretch of mountain. Fair enough, yes? Except that it was presented by what appeared to be a character from an obscure …

Amped 3 (360)

Yes. I know I didn’t like the demo, OK? But I bought it anyway, OK? It was only £18 at Play so it was rude not to. Or something. Besides, my Oblivion disc was lonely. Imagine my surprise then, when I really enjoyed playing it. Did a few “missions”, including carving to impress someone, and then “doing” Weinerland, which was hilarious. I think I just need to come to terms with this not being a Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater game, …

Amped 3 (Demo) (360)

I’ve never really got on with snowboarding games, which is odd, as I really like Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater. I think the main problem is the you-can’t-go-back thing resulting from hurtling down the hill. Amped 3 is the first in its series that I’ve played, and it’s a bit, well, odd. In some ways, it’s like SSX, but without the silly wind-up to trick control, and in other ways it’s just completely unreal and off the wall with it’s character …

Pokémon Shuffle (3DS): COMPLETED!

A few years ago, I stopped (with rare exceptions) playing games on my iPhone. The App Store had become swamped with F2P games with IAPs and other abbreviations, and even “traditional” games had been drugged with mechanisms designed to only allow play if you keep buying gold, or gems, or whatever for ridiculous prices. “Sonic had run out of jumps! Buy 10 jumps for £2.99?”. No. And yet here is Nintendo, perhaps the last bastion of proper games, releasing a …

Katamari Forever (PS3): COMPLETED!

I’ve completed this before, but only in one game mode – “Forever”. Randomly, my daughter asked me to play it again a few days ago (I didn’t even know she knew about it – she was two years old when I last put it on!) and I got a bit hooked again and played through it in Katamari Drive mode. Which is basically the same game as before, only you move a lot faster. This makes open levels with lots …

Super Mario Bros Deluxe (3DS): COMPLETED!

Nintendo lovingly gave lots of 3DS owners a free copy of this GBC game (on the 3DS Virtual Console) for Valentine’s Day. Ah, bless them. Seems that all that play on NES Remix recently has really paid off, as a I stormed through SMB Deluxe without losing a single life. OK, yes – I used the 1-2 to 4-1 and 4-2 to 8-1 warps, but I’ve never managed to do World 8 this easily. And that’s with the GBC version’s …

Kirby’s Block Ball (3DS): COMPLETED!

I did start this a few months ago, and got to the end of World 4 (of 10). I don’t recall why I stopped playing as it isn’t a bad game. Probably something else caught my eye. Since I’m in the mood for mopping up started-but-unfinished games at the moment, I continued with it and after a couple of hours had smashed my way through to the end of the game. It was pretty good fun, but frustrating in that, …

Yakuza 3 (PS3)

Forgive me if I was wrong, but I was expecting Yakuza 3 to be a violent look at the Japanese mafia families, and missions would be lots of punching, fighting, and so on. Perhaps with some nasty plot twists involving betrayal and murder. And blood. In fact, the stories of the first two games (which I haven’t played, but are included in video form in this game) would imply that I would be correct to assume Yakuza 3 would be …